Sunday, October 25, 2009

New Things Happening.

Well as you guys can see I haven't written in a while. This is what has been happening...

1. I haven't talked about my Internship this semester yet so let me brag about it for a few minutes. I could definitely go on for hours! I have been interning at Advocates for Children. It is a non-profit organization that has a heart for abused and neglected children! I absolutely love what I do. We had a poker tournament to raise money for the organization last night and I thoroughly enjoyed it! We raised money for a great cause and was able to have tons of fun! It is going to be bittersweet when I have to leave. :(

2. My husband has had a job change. It is certainly going to be a change for the Hipp house because he is going to be working more hours. He has moved to Berry College to be an athletic trainer there through his same company. God has really had his hand in this and I know that everything is going to turn out great! It is something that I am going to have to get use to and I am going to have to get use to Sunday practices! In the end, God knows what He is doing.

3. I am still trying to put together the house. I just love my house. It is the perfect home for Ryan and I to start our lives in! God has blessed us with so many awesome things that we truly don't deserve.

4. Next week I have to find a new internship that I have to do in January. It is a 300 hour internship. I have a couple of places that are offering me a internship position. Now I just need to figure out what God wants me to pick.

5. Since Ryan is working at Berry now, he has to go out-of-town more. :( Well, that means that Ryan has to go to Nicaragua next year because the Volleyball team is going to be playing there. The Volleyball coach asked if I wanted to go with!! Umm, HECK YES!! So I am pleased to say that I am going to Nicaragua (which I don't know if you know this but that is one of my favorite places in the world) with Ryan next March.

6. Last but not least, I have been trying to be a great wife. Messing up a lot, Learning a lot, Praying a lot, and so much more. Marriage is so amazing and I wouldn't trade a special gift God has given me. Marriage is going to be hard, but God has shown me that with Him in between us we will be just fine! :)

Well that is it for now. I hope life is treating you well!
John 3:30