I don't even know where to begin. My life has changed upside down the last couple of months. The Lord has done interesting things.

*I started a bible
study, BREAKING FREE by BETH MOORE. Well that has been eye opening. I love it. It is hard because it is a lot to take in. BUT it has been good for me to learn about God and actually apply Him in my life. One thing that I have learned is that I am very prideful. I feel that is my biggest sin right now. God has been really showing me how to deal with this sin. I don't want to be prideful. It takes me down a path that isn't healthy. It takes away from what God has planned for me.
*Ryan and I went to Nicaragua for a week which was so much fun!! I usually go to Nica for mission trips but this time it was just for fun!! Nicaragua is my heart! I love that country!! Plus I got to make new friendships because we went with people from Ryan's work!! That was pretty awesome.
*I had the honor of singing at Oak Leaf Church over Easter. 7 services in one week!! It was intense, hard, exhausting, challenging, rewarding, and so many more words. BUT the one thing I would have to say is that God taught me that it wasn't about me singing up on stage. It was about Him using me to share Him. It was about God. Not me!! GOD! It is a neat feeling to know that God is being amplified throughout the who weekend. When you take yourself out of the equation than GOD eliminates the church so that people will see Him.

*I have 2 more weeks at DFCS. Almost at 300 hundred hours. Yep, I have almost done what I thought I would never be able to get through. My heart has been shown things that I have never thought I would see before. One thing I would like to say is that I have found where God wants me to be right now. I do want to work in DFCS (don't know which county yet) but I feel that God has place this job in my life so that he can be glorified.
*Ryan and I will be married for ONE YEAR on May 9th! I just can't believe it. I can't believe that time has gone by this fast! It has been so much fun with my best friend. We have learned so much about each other. It is always a challenge living with another person but it is worth every minute. Ryan has been such a blessing from God. :) p.s. Ryan cut his hair...
*Well I have to talk about our Mayester (aka. Maye). She is going to be 7 months in one week. She has been such a neat little addition to our family. She is such a joy. Can be a little frustrating at time but so smart. She has learned so much. We just taught her to roll over yesterday!! :)We are 2 very proud people of our pup! God has taught us a lot through this dog. Never thought I would learn so much through something that doesn't talk...haha!
*My semester is almost over and I will be graduating College in July. I just can't believe it. I can remember my years in Elementary, Middle, and High School. Wow, time goes by toooooo fast!! I never thought that the light at the end of the tunnel would be here!! I can finally say that all of my hard work is paying off!!
**This little blurb will probably be the most important one I write. Please pray for a specific person that, I unfortunately can not give a name or a situation, but what I can say is that this person needs GOD. This person knows God and knows who he is I feel has Him in his/her heart but has choose to go down the wide path of destruction for the time being. I pray that he/she gets out of it. They need your prays!! This verse comes to mind when I think about this person, Matthew 7:13. I pray that they will realize that God the way, the truth, and the life! Thanks for your prayers!