Whelp, I have so much to be thankful for!! I don't even know where to begin!
This is Ryan and I's first Thanksgiving together! I am so happy about that. Also, we have a new addition that will be joining us. Her name is Maye and she was born on September 24, 2009. She is a blue heeler. You probably don't know what that is because 9 times out of ten people have never heard of a blue heeler. She is a type of cattle dog. So here she is:

Ryan and I have our hands full that is for sure. We are learning about patience and sacrifice (i know that sounds silly, but dogs do teach you that) and praying daily for guidance on how to make her NOT PEE IN OUR HOUSE!!! :) I know that will come with time and consistency which we are trying to stay on top of!
Anyhoo, We are spending our Thanksgiving with my side this year!! We are going to miss being with the Hipp side, but Christmas is soon to come and than we will be reunited!! I hope that you guys have a GREAT Thanksgiving!! There is so much to be thankful for. Mine is the God I serve, my sweet husband that I love so much, my family, the house over our head, the food we eat, the table we sit at, the bed that we sleep on, and so much more that I could go on for days.